I havent had a blog in awhile. I guess somewhere along the way I got over blogs, just like I have gotten over every thing on the internet I have been into at some time or another.
I thought I would start again though, mainly cause I have nowhere to say anything, even though what I have to say is uninteresting in general if experience is anything to go by. People tend to not have my time for me, probably cause I have too much to say and not many good ways to say it.
I found myself pulling away more and more from any of the community based websites I used to like lately, I'm not exactly sure but I think it all comes down to a few things:
* People on the internet are dickheads. Seriously making friends on the internet is for people who cant make them in real life. I had plently of great friends in real life and I have lost touch with most of them favour of endless days of pointless conversations online involving lots of lols and smiley faces and unfunny jokes that I have to find funny to fit in. I mean what the fuck? the whole fitting in shit and liking certain things just cause craze was something I steered clear of all though my life up until a few years ago cause it stifles creativity and just makes you a mindless follower.
You know what? I reckon nerds love the internet cause they get to be the mean popular dicks they could never be in highschool because the were too ugly/quiet/into star wars. You know what? I was unpopular in highschool cause I was arty and weird and kinda emo (oh.. and kinda fat lol what's changed?). Not cause I played video games all day (which I never did) or cause i could speak fucking klingon. And I had loads of fun. I cant say I hated higschool, because I still think to this day i met the greatest people I will even meet in my life there. Most people from the internet are fucking weird. (case in point: uhhh)
* I'm not good at knowing who I am meant to suck up to.
I dont even know why internet forums need authority figures most of the time. Many times I've been a member of a forum and watched some power hungry loser rise up through the ranks to become a mod or an admin, only to then turn into a total arsehole, dictating to me what is and isnt allowed on the same fucking site I was on before them. This always happens and it means the place loses any fun it had to begin with. And you know whats funniest of all? when you leave they gloat over it, and it's like, hey man, it's a fucking WEBSITE. There's a lot of those and the only thing that makes forums work is people. So scare off the vets all you want and you and the new kids can talk shit and totally miss the point. (The only forum I can handle these days is something awful, cause the mods are really well picked, not on some buddy buddy cock sucking system but cause they are actually good at stopping people being tools. There might be cock sucking going on, but if there is, they hide it well.) Same goes for certain "art" communities, as well. UH oh, I dissagreed with one of the twenty five million retards with a funny symbol in front of their name. Now no one can see my art. Woot. (steer clear of the "anime is not art" threads if you dont want any nerd rage unleashed on you).
*E bitching.
Its not cool in real life, and its worse online cause there's usually proof saved. I am certain there are chat transcripts out there that will plague me for the rest of my life (this blog post will probably plague me for the rest of my life). Fighting on the internet is dumb but I still do it like everyone else does. The internet makes you hold grudges though, cause there are things like post histories, transcripts and, if all else fails, archive.org to remind you of every vaguely mean thing someone has said to you.
The internet is bad for me cause I will be like ok kinda pissed, more annoyed, getting kinda mad now, angry, ANGRY, SUPER ANGRY, I WANT TO KILL YOU AND BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN AND SMASH YOUR CAR WITH A CRICKET BAT AND MURDER ANY PETS YOU HAVE ETC, then, hey guys I'm cool are you cool, everything's great again, right? The murderous rage part makes for hilarious and horrible internetting that can't be erased with a simple "sorry I got a little carried away there" and will stick around to add fuel to the fire later down the line. You know those annoying people who seem to keep some precise database in their head of every time you have wrong them, only to bring it up later word for word? The internet makes EVERYONE that person. "Forgive and forget", more like "forgive, edit posts and clear chat history" amirite?
There are probably more reasons but my attention span ran out.
So thats why I'm blogging again now. Make sure not to take anything I say seriously though, if you do, it's your fault, not mine. It's just a bit of tongue in cheek venting. If you don't like it go away, I dont like you. Its not like I actually expect anyone to read this stuff. It's a blog for God's sake, who read these things?
08 August, 2006
To hell with having fun.
Posted by
8/08/2006 10:56:00 pm
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