Do I look too poor to buy their products or something? I dropped 3k on a macbook and applecare there last year and have bought a bunch of other stuff from there over the last 10-15 years as have my family. I went in to ask about airport cards for mirror door g4s and the dude looked at me like I was asking where the videro ipords were.
At least there were nice and let me and my friends edit videos on their floor stock when I was in year 12, but still, what gives? I'm like supreme mac nerd and they up their noses at me. bitches.
28 February, 2008
The people who work at the geelong apple store are always rude to me.
Posted by
2/28/2008 10:42:00 pm
22 February, 2008
Vinyl Collective is Awesome
I've been buying stuff from vinyl collective and Suburban Home for a few years now, and the shipping has always been cheap and the stuff gets here pretty quick. Ordering stuff online from overseas is a bit hit and miss, I've had things turn up only when I finally forgot they existed. Not to mention if I don't want to pay as much again for shipping I usually pick the cheapest option I can. Which usually involves it being tied to drift wood and kicked in the general direction of Australia, to arrive sometime this decade, if I'm lucky.
I've been waiting on a massive order for ages (2 months, I'm impatient, ok?), and was begining to get worried that maybe it had been sent and lost, or that it wouldnt be shipped for awhile and would get mixed up in my current moving house/change of address complications. I sent Virgil, the dude who runs vc, sh and a bunch of other stuff an email, expecting a reply in a few days or so. That's usually all I can hope for with most places, who also usually treat me like a nuisance if I ask questions (ebay, anyone?). Within maybe 15 minutes, I had a reply in my inbox explaing what was up, the package was shipped last week, and judging by when I usually get stuff, will be here next week or the week after.
I know it's hard right now for people working in the music industry, especially those running small labels. It's nice in the first place to feel like I'm supporting people who have an interest in helping the scene, and musicians getting their music out. But the fact the service is so awesome makes me really not bother with most other places these days. I really think Virgil cares about the people he is selling to, and the product he is selling, which is rare. He runs and awesome blog, and hosts a great forum on all things vinyl, and from the looks of things, works REALLY hard. So well done VC, A++++ Service, would pre order 50 colourways again :)
Go buy some hipster cred here.
Posted by
2/22/2008 09:54:00 am
20 February, 2008
Macbook paper
This is just about the cutest thing ever. I might print one out at work tomorrow. There's also a cute spoof video of the macbook air ad below:
Posted by
2/20/2008 09:38:00 pm
Labels: apple
12 Old mac ads
YouTube - 12 Old mac ads
Looks like Apple's strategy of "talk about how much pcs suck" isn't exactly new. But the songs have gotten better, at least.
Posted by
2/20/2008 08:05:00 pm
Labels: apple
19 February, 2008
Why Graphic Design is the Worst Brand Ever
Fascinating article. I think while "desptop publishing" and its ilk have done a lot of good overall, the availability of a burnt copy of photoshop and some free brushes have a lot to answer for. It saddens me how much bad design I see on a day to day basis. Or maybe before I learnt the rules I just never saw the problem.
I blame computers for a lot. I am much more a graphic artist than a graphic designer, as I chose to become a designer cause I "liked drawing" and it was the closest career I could find to sitting around drawing all day when I was 14 and needed to pick my electives for the following year. I barely used computers for my highschool folio, and feel now like my folio suffered because of it. Which is sad. Even the institutions that are meant to be teaching proper design are more interested in flashy computer generated work than hand drawn type, and understanding of things like colour, balance and positive/negative spaces - which are all important parts of traditional art, but can be fluked or avoided altogether when using a computer. (That said, I did get interviews at all the universities I applied for, even without any prior knowledge of illustrator, so not all hope is lost).
So many students in my classes seemed to know all the right filters to use, the right styles to copy and the right magazines to read to make their work "cool". I always felt my work didnt match up cause I played by my own rules more and always took a creative stance over following trends. However, I saw that many designers used the wrong fonts, set up work terribly or had constant problems with the printers. I'm not trying to sound high and mighty, I was learning as much as anyone else, but there was a strong theme of trying to make stuff look cool rather than take them time to build a strong design from what was taught in class.
At the end of the day, its too easy for people to design work that is "good enough" which only actual designers will realise is not good at all. Are the public educated enough about design to know the difference between a company that spent thousands on an identity and the one who got their in-house junior to create a new logo on the cheap? Do people care? Can you make them care? Its still a shiny logo at the end of the day or a cool pic that stands out. Here and now, it doesnt make a difference. It's "easy" to make something "look good". How is a well done classic design really relevant today? Everything in our culture is disposable and cheap and nasty. Why wouldnt design follow that pattern?
Are we fighting a losing battle?
Posted by
2/19/2008 09:26:00 am
Labels: Design
18 February, 2008
Pocket Sized Guitar Hero Arcade Game
I never caught on to the guitar hero craze, (real guitars are way more fun, in my opinion), but this thing is really cute/cool. I wonder how long it will take for them to be added to the list of highschool contraband?
Via Chip Chick
Posted by
2/18/2008 04:28:00 pm
Labels: games
Interview With Joshua Smith Hydro74
I'm a big fan of Hydro 74's work and found this interview quite interesting. I'd always wondered where he had gotten such impressive clients, and his explaination/reasoning makes a lot of sense. I find it hard as a designer to have concrete goals, I know where I want to be but I'm not sure how to get there (I'm really interested in design in the music scene - posters, cds tees and other promotional material, as I think there are more creative opportunities there rather than with some other types of design. Perhaps the best solution is to just be more proactive! What's also exciting for me, is that he is 10 years older than me, and the idea that most designers with the right attitude and enough talent can get quite far at a young age. Anyway, chekc the interview out here.
Posted by
2/18/2008 04:07:00 pm
13 February, 2008
Replacements' Twin/Tone Catalog Reissued, Expanded
The Replacements are one of my favourite bands, and I think one of the post influential bands when it comes to the whole country/punk crossover genre. It weirds me out when someone doesn't know who they are though, they seem like a pretty accessible band; Hopefully the fact the catalogue is going to be re-released (starting with their twin/tone stuff) will mean more cool kids will realise that yeah, that against me song, Bastards of Young, is actually a cover.
From Pitchfork
Posted by
2/13/2008 05:34:00 pm
Labels: music
04 February, 2008
Jason Das
I found Jason's work on the page a day site, thought it was awesome. I'm really digging his sketching style.
Check it out here.
Posted by
2/04/2008 11:29:00 am
Labels: art
01 February, 2008
I'm going to try to draw a pic every day and post it on Thing-a-day. I used to try to do a journal page every day awhile back, I eventually stopped though, and I need to try doing something creative again.
Posted by
2/01/2008 12:19:00 pm