17 October, 2007

Apple - Mac OS X Leopard - Features - 300 New Features

Apple - Mac OS X Leopard - Features - 300 New Features

I'm really looking forward to time machine, my computer was acting up last week (I think I must have had a crash while the hd was writing cause my nodes were out of order or something) so I tried to fix it with tech tool, and tech tool totally killed it.

Luckily I'd backed up almost everything, but I forgot to backup ical so I lost my info. Time machine would just save me having to remember what preferences to save when I'm about to install new stuff.

ALso looking forward to new ical, but they need to make events editable on the ipod touch so I can use it as a pda.

15 October, 2007

2 battered flake and minimum forks, thanks

This is a really cool idea and it would be great if some major fast food chains started using them instead of plastic stuff.